Robots? Demons? Robot demons? What the heck. This is dead generator a crappy story made by an egg. This is a passion project I have been working on for many years with no real end goal in mind animation? Comics? who knows - I don't. I've always hated the idea of ditching characters so I never did these are the same characters I've kept from back in 2016, each of the character have went through many changes throughout the years, from designs, backstory, to personality everything is pretty fluid.
The series is an amalgamation of magic and technology, ai vs spirits, machines vs warlocks. It’s all full of crap like that. I’ve tried to make this series built to have many spin off stories from different perspectives, it’s a pretty loose universe.
The actual world itself is meant to be a futuristic exaggeration of the modern day climent with some magic thrown in, after a great war between nature and oil lovers the whole world has been split down the middle by a great barrier creating a forced divide between the two sides splitting many of the grey aware between itself. Why did this happen no one is quite sure it just did- an unknown force forever separating the world. Every so often items and people are let through to each side the reasons for this also not exactly known, its assumed to be by a greater power. The story we look at involves a possible way to get through this barrier through demonic experiments, and this what the story of Dead Generator is.